Group show




Born in 1935 in Naples, Ben died in 2024 Nice. He began to make a name for himself in 1959 thanks to his ‘hotchpotch shop, a place for meetings and exhibitions.’ One of the founders of the Fluxus movement in the early 1960s, he maintains that everything is art and that everything is possible in art. Ben is a provocative and innovative artist who places the question of ego at the centre of his work. He is best known for his performances and calligraphic aphorisms-texts.


The sculptor César was born in Marseilles in 1921 and died in Paris in 1998. He is best-known for his compressions of everyday objects, polyurethane foam expansions and human imprints that question both the consumer society and aesthetic categories. He was at the forefront of the Nouveau Réalisme movement, which he joined in 1961. He is considered as one of the most important 20th-century French sculptors.

Raymond Hains

Raymond Hains was born in Saint-Brieuc, France, in 1926 and died in 2005. He lived and worked in Paris and Nice. He was one of the founding members of the Nouveau Réalisme movement. He became known for his hoarding works and torn posters, whose metal frames he kept or transferred to canvas. Hains followed an unusual artistic path centring on word play, hypnagogic photographs (with fragments of glass), associations of ideas and found objects.