René Wirths

The artist

Born in 1967 in Waldbröl, Germany, René Wirths lives and works in Berlin. Fascinated by questions of perception and representation, he produces carefully framed meticulous paintings of everyday objects on a white background. He ‘poses’ his ‘subjects’ in the natural light of his studio and then renders them precisely as he sees them, forcing the viewer into a head-on confrontation. Part conceptual, part hyperrealist, his works reveal the failings of our perception and explore the perplexity the artist feels when examining the world. 


  • beatbox

    October 24 - December 21, 2019

  • Jazz

    Feburary 27 - April 2, 2016
    Paris - Impasse Beaubourg

  • La vie

    March 13 - April 24, 2010
    Paris - Impasse Beaubourg

  • Nature morte

    September 6 - November 3, 2008
    Paris - Impasse Beaubourg


Press Release

Kunstforum International - mai 2020

René Wirths : interview

MU In the - novembre 2019

Au fond du verre de René Wirths

Gilles Bechet

Le Soir - novembre 2019

"Beatbox" : un voyage visuel antre hyperréalisme et abstraction

Art - october 2019

René Wirths presents a new collection of paintings from the Liquids series

Inferno Magazine - octobre 2019

René Wirths, beatbox

Uit in Brussel - octobre 2019

Galeries in brussel : René Wirths

Télérama - mars 2016

René Wirths - Jazz

Le Litteraire - mars 2016

René Wirths, Jazz

Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret


René Wirths

Museum in Kleihues-Bau
Stuttgarter Str. 93, Kornwestheim 
From July to January 23, 2022

The exhibition “Time on my side” presents a selection of masterful works by Berlin-based artist René Wirths that shows some realistically painted patterns from the everyday life, which are larger than life, in front of a neutral white background. In his practice, René Wirths asks himself the most important question, the question of our own existence. Wirths’ work alternates between the objectivity of the things depicted and the subjectivity of the artist’s or viewer’s perception. In his reproductions, the artist does not use a photographic model or projection technique but paints the objects as he sees them in his studio.

René Wirths


From Sunday 13 July to Sunday 09 November 2014 Ever since the late 1990s, the Berlin-based artist René Wirths (b. 1967) has recurrently made one carefully chosen object the absolute center of his attention for the period of time it takes him to create its picture. His choice of motifs ranges from organic—a butterfly—to inorganic—a simple crumpled paper boat, an old sneaker—and to the metallic and shiny object of desire, a motorbike. But however strong the presence of each of these objects may seem, shown frontally or in strict profile mounted on a stretcher, larger-than-life and standing out against a white background, they still are but a means to an end, or the vehicle of a consistent analysis which, by balancing painterly potentials, generates iconic paintings. (…)